Health News

Cancer Drug Fights Better Than Mike Tyson
Anything that works better than advertised is a pleasant surprise. For scientists, a brain cancer treatment is battling cancer better than expected.
Cheers to Fighting Bladder Cancer
Staying hydrated is not only important when exercising, it can save your life. Drinking a lot of fluids can reduce bladder cancer risk for men.
Hypertension Drugs Could Aid Valve Disease Patients
A type of blood pressure medication may do more than treat hypertension. It also may help patients with heart valve disease live longer lives and avoid open heart surgery.
Real Food is Healthy Food
Monday was National Food Day, and the initiative provides a good opportunity for Americans to really evaluate their diet, nutrition, and how they relate to overall health.
What Are Triglycerides Anyway?
Hoping someday for an easier way to lower your triglycerides while boosting your "good" HDL cholesterol? For the first time, lab scientists have identified a therapeutic target that may do just that.
Sleepless Nights May Increase Heart Risk
Sleepless nights may be doing more than leaving you fatigued the next day. They might also be increasing your risk of suffering a heart attack.
What's Your Stroke IQ?
In an effort to highlight awareness and urge the public to lower their stroke risk today on World Stroke Day, the American Stroke Association is urging Americans to test their knowledge of the potentially deadly condition.
Acid Reflux Differs Between Genders
Do men have heartburn more often than women? Do women have worse symptoms than men?
Tiny Transporters Deliver Pain Relief
Arthritis drugs can be effective if given enough time to work. But the drugs often leave the body before their job is done. Finding a way to make arthritis drugs last longer could mean better results and fewer injections.
CDC's Hypertension Report Underestimated?
Recently a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported suggested 48 percent of Americans are in a group that should limit daily sodium intake. American Heart Association officials suggest that is understated.