Health News

HPV-Related Oral Cancers Rising Dramatically
Oral cancers used to be associated with alcohol and tobacco use - particularly chewing tobacco and snuff. Not anymore. Studies show another practice is putting young men at particular risk for this form of cancer.
Stay Focused You Will Recover
Getting into addiction is easy, but getting out is the hard part. Addicts need love and support no matter how bad the problem has gotten. Get them the treatment they need to make a full recovery.
Preventing a Sneezy, Wheezy Halloween
Ghosts and goblins aren't the only scary things out and about at Halloween. The holiday has a number of potential triggers for kids dealing with allergies and asthma.
Learn from your mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. It's completely natural, but many people will try to avoid making the same mistake twice. It just takes a little will power to get your brain in motion.
Kidney Trouble Starts Early in Kids
Many diseases act differently in children than in adults. Kidney disease is one of these. Now, recent findings may change the way kidney disease is treated in children.
Cognitive Therapy Improves Schizophrenia
For people who go through life struggling with schizophrenia, the idea of having a normal, functioning daily existence may seem out of reach. Traditionally, antipsychotic medication has been the primary means of treatment to reduce hallucinations and delusions.
The Pain that Seems Everlasting
There is the kind of pain that happens when you stub a toe or slice your finger cutting vegetables. Then there is chronic pain, an enduring pain that can last for weeks, months, or even years.
Tests Better Measure Vision in Blinding Diseases
When it comes to patients with eye diseases that lead to blindness, it can be difficult to detect low levels of remaining vision That determination is generally made through subjective tests such as detecting hand motion.
The Jury is Still out
Studies have shown a possible connection between blocked veins and multiple sclerosis (MS). But these studies may have been designed poorly, leaving this topic in need of more research.
Identifying High Risk Heart Attack Patients
Identifying heart attack patients at risk can be tricky. Subtle EKG recordings may be able to help doctors pinpoint which heart attack patients are at the highest risk of dying soon.