Health News

Stay-at-Home Dads Promote Gender Equality
Major shifts in the traditional household and family roles of men and women have been underway for decades. From breadwinning mothers to stay-at-home dads, these roles are still in the minority but gaining in numbers.
Strong Relationship Between Epilepsy and Psychiatric Illness
People who suffer from schizophrenia are nearly six times more likely to develop epilepsy, and epileptic patients are nearly eight times more likely to develop schizophrenia.
Low B12 May Lead to Brain Shrinkage
Vitamin B12 may be more important than previously believed, especially when it comes to preserving brain health and mental agility.
Overly Thin COPD Patients at Added Risk
Being underweight isn't healthy in general, but it can be especially dangerous for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients.
High Blood Pressure Still Increases Stroke Risk
Patients with normal blood pressure that are considered prehypertensive still have a substantially higher risk of having a stroke, research has revealed.
Inconsistent Care for Kids with Psoriasis
Kids who suffer from the skin condition psoriasis battle with dry, itchy, flaky skin that can cause sore patches. It affects one percent of children and can last a lifetime.
Less Sleep means Risky Behavior for Teens
It's an often amusing characterization of teenagers, that they stay up late and don't get enough sleep.
Is Ageism Affecting Prostate Cancer Treatment?
There's been a great deal of debate about if and/or how to treat men in their mid-70s who have prostate cancer. A new study shows that doctors are either under- or over-treating the disease in this age group.
Deep in the Mind of a Teenager
Are your teens acting out and doing things that aren’t making sense? It might be a borderline personality disorder - this can be serious and needs medical treatment.
Cancer and Diabetes Links
A new association has been established between two chronic diseases - diabetes and cancer - and mice are showing scientists why.