Health News

New Spoils of War
The life of a soldier is one of serving their country and sacrificing more than anyone may know. A recent study shows the Gulf War Illness (GWI), which affects 25 percent of those serving in Desert Storm, appears to be related to their place of deployment and other tangible factors.
Curbing Your Kid's Pain
No one wants to waste time and money on a medication when there are better alternatives out there. So, what is the best drug for treating children with arthritis? A new report may have an answer.
What's Up with Keeping Acid Down?
With so many treatment options for acid reflux disease, it can be hard for patients and doctors to know which course to take. A new report clears things up by comparing the benefits and risks of acid reflux treatments.
Fruits and Veggies Do a Body Good
Many studies have shown that certain foods can reduce the risk for colorectal cancer, but those studies have sometimes produced conflicting results. New research suggests that by looking at the location of colorectal cancer, some of these dietary recommendations can make more sense.
Two Chinks in the Armor of Hepatitis C
In the middle ages, a great time to attack one's enemies is while they were sleeping. Researchers have found two times when the hepatitis C vaccine may be easily attacked.
More Than an Aspirin Headache
If you've never had a migraine headache, you may not have known the stomach-churning pain that can make all your senses go mad.
Urinary Tract Problems on the Rise
With better technology, medicine and science, people are getting older. Although people are getting more time, there are also other problems – specifically urinary problems.
The Good Buzzed Life
Millions, if not billions of people around the world grab a cup of coffee to start their day. Did you ever stop to think it might be boosting your spirits while keeping you awake?
Common Eye Drugs Can Lead to Antibiotic Resistance
The development of antibiotic resistance from overexposure to antibiotics has been a growing concern for both patients and doctors in recent years.
Pinpointing Deadly Arrhythmias
Heart arrhythmias can be life-threatening, though for some patients they're just a low-risk nuisance. A new set of criteria can help determine which patients are at risk for sudden death and would benefit from an implanted defibrillator.