Health News

Ovarian Cancer Treatment Enters New Era
A new drug shows huge promise in treating one of the worst cancers in women. This medication shrinks ovarian cancer tumors to offer new hope for women diagnosed with the disease.
Eat Better, Study Harder, Improve Grades
Being healthy might be the last thing college students think about especially with new freedom, challenges, and people. Finding the time to even eat can be difficult in a new environment.
New Drug Aids Heart Patients
Standard heart failure drugs are designed to force the heart to beat more often. A new class of medication that prompts longer heart contractions instead may prove to be a novel treatment.
Cholesterol Drugs Work for Most Stroke Patients
Though cholesterol lowering statin drugs can cut stroke risk in most individuals, it's not a suitable treatment for a certain group of at-risk patients.
Herbs not Always a Healthy Alternative
Any supermarket in America has a great deal of real estate devoted to herbal supplements. You may think these are natural substances that can only help. The fact is, herbal supplements - particularly during cancer treatment - can do more harm than good.
Eliminating Flour May Make Fertility Bloom
Couples seeking infertility treatment often face very costly therapies including in vitro fertilization, surgery and medication. Could simple diet changes possibly make a difference?
Temporary Fountain of Youth Found
One of the primary reasons Ponce de Leon traveled thousands of miles to come to the "new world" was the pursuit of a fountain of youth. According to new research, at least a temporary fountain of youth can be found in a journey within.
More Than Just The Blues
To outsiders depression can be difficult to understand. It's more than just sadness or a bad day, it's a medical illness that can affect personal relationships, work and even interests.
Cervical Cancer Screening Often Not Followed
For some reason, doctors aren't following the recommended screening guidelines when it comes to cervical cancer. This screening doesn't necessarily have to be performed annually, though it often is. 
Is Imaging Before Surgery Worthless?
Before most elective surgeries such as nose jobs or facelift, patients get a heart ultrasound. It's designed to predict which patients could have complications, but it may not result in improved survival.