Health News

Fungus Shows Promise as Cancer Treatment
Medical scientists have placed another piece in what  is the jigsaw puzzle of prostate cancer. A natural compound has been shown to be effective in treating advanced cases of the disease.
Tick Tock, Fertility Game Locked
A woman's biological clock ticks on its own accord with some ladies aging more quickly than others. Before, guessing how long one remains fertile has been just that: a guess.
Determining Genetic Heart Attack Risk
Some patients are simply at a higher risk of heart attacks and blood vessel diseases because of genetics. The problem is that all of those factors aren't known, making it tough for doctors to predict who is at risk.
Brain Eating Monster
Temperatures are rising all around the country and people are jumping into lakes or rivers to cool off. But, something is lurking in the water and it has taken three lives this year.
Online Tool Identifies Blood Clot Risk
Most individuals have no idea whether they are at risk for a serious blood clot. A new online tool featuring simple questions patients can answer may help identify those in need of preventative treatment.
Addiction Defined
People can be addicted to anything - food, drugs, sex, gambling and more. It's a problem that has affected many, but it's not a behavioral problem like many believe.
Fish Oil May Encourage Brain Health
Fish oil has become a popular health supplement in recent years. It may be with good reason. Fish oil supplements appear to offer benefits for brain health and aging.
Lung Cancer Makes Scents to Dogs
The super sensitive noses of dogs are known to be able to pick up the scent many things. Man's best friend can now do what even advanced medical tests can't do - sniff out early stage lung cancer.
Late-Stage Melanoma Drug Approved
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Zelboraf (vemurafenib), a drug to treat patients with late-stage (metastatic) or unresectable (cannot be removed by surgery) melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
Alcohol Dependence Depends on Metabolism
Alcoholism can happen at any age in life and it seems like men and women react differently to alcohol dependence. A genetic variation may explain the difference.