Health News

Cholesterol Conundrum with HIV Kids
New treatments can enable children born with HIV to live well into their adult years, but the antiretroviral therapy (ART) can cause high cholesterol. Researchers are urging early cholesterol monitoring for these kids.
The Link Between ADHD and Diarrhea
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects how the brain operates. Researchers have discovered that ADHD is linked to a protein found in the intestine, a finding that could lead to new treatments.
Arthritic Couch Potatoes
Get your butt off the couch and get moving! Exercise is good for everyone, especially if you have arthritis.
Conversations About Cancer
When you have cancer, suddenly you lose a feeling of control about your life - and your future. One thing you can control, though, is how you talk with friends and family about what you're facing.
Gene Explains Night Blindness
Night blindness can be so debilitating that some sufferers struggle to drive after dark. The finding of a mutated gene that causes the vision loss in low-light environments explains how night vision is possible.
Breaking Through Cancer?
"Cure" isn't a word that's used very often in the cancer field. Still, a 20-year-in-the-making breakthrough could make that word more common among oncologists .
Meeting Red Meat Risks
A big, juicy steak may be delicious, but it is not necessarily good for your health. Eating too much red meat could put you at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.
How Estrogen Protects Women from Heart Disease
Women may be getting an added boost of protection from heart disease. Natural hormones might explain why men have higher rates of heart disease yet post-menopausal women experience a spike in cardiovascular disease.
Beer Tasting for Iron
Beer is not the most nutritious beverage available, but there is at least one advantage dark beer has over light beer and non-alcoholic beer – more iron. But why should one cares about iron?
Herbs: What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You
When you buy herbal supplements do you notice possible side effects? You probably don't even think about it since most supplements don't have that information available.