Health News

Unrealistic Cancer Expectations
Prostate cancer has the highest survival rate of all forms of the disease. It is often cured by removing the prostate, which is great, but patients underestimate what's involved in recovering from this surgery.
"Hitchhikers" Bring Bowel Disease
Human evolution is not always a tidy process. Sometimes, a genetic change makes it easier for our species to survive. At other times, genetic changes can lead to disease and death.
Atrial Fibrillation Rx Alert
Last month the PALLAS trial revealed adverse cardiovascular risks in taking dronedarone (Multaq) for irregular heart beat. Now the European Society of Cardiology is suggesting its use be limited.
Clean, Jerk and Quit Smoking
Have you tried time and time again to quit smoking, but nothing seems to cut it? Resistance training might just do the trick - tone your body while stopping bad smoking habits.
Era of Hope Conference
Once a year, a group of the world's leading scientists, clinicians and advocates gather to share the good news about advances in breast cancer research.
Virtual Intensive Care Can See You Now
In addition to being costly, hospital intensive care units are constrictive for patients. Hoping to remedy that, one medical facility is testing the notion of a virtual intensive care unit where patients are free of wires and beeping machines.
Hot Medicines Turn Old
Here's some info hot off the presses: During extremely hot periods, the temperature in cars can rise to over 160 degrees, and the inside of mailboxes can reach almost that high as well.
Heartburn Babies
In the health care world, babies are different creatures than adults. Although babies can get some of the same diseases as adults, they may show different signs and need different treatments.
Grotesque Doesn't Sell
Starting in the fall of 2012, cigarette packages will display graphic images along with health warnings in an effort to persuade smokers to kick the habit. A new study finds the new messaging will likely work.
Pfizer Ponders OTC Lipitor
Drug maker Pfizer is contemplating an over-the-counter version of its cholesterol drug Lipitor, The Wall Street Journal has reported, citing sources familiar with the effort.