Health News

Low Blood Pressure During Dialysis May Lead to Clots
It's been known that low blood pressure while undergoing kidney dialysis is linked to some nasty side effects. Now the risk of blood clots has been added to that expanding list.
Preventing Skin Cancer
Non-melanoma skin cancers are the most common form of cancer in the United States. Scientists may have found a way to repair the damage sun exposure causes before cancer develops.
Does the Kidney Cure Lie Within?
Many kidney disease patients eventually have to go on dialysis or get a transplant to stay alive. So, how can doctors keep patients' kidneys working? The answer may lie in the cells of the kidneys themselves.
Sleep Apnea Linked to Restricted Blood Supply
In addition to interrupted sleep and tossing and turning all night long, people who suffer from sleep apnea my have another thing to worry about. Reduced blood supply to the heart has been linked to the sleep disorder.
The Risks of Rural Life
It seems so idyllic - the farm life does. Yet new research finds that children who grew up on a livestock farm are at greater risk for developing certain types of cancer.
Stents Can Prevent Aneurysm Recurrence
A new less-invasive operation to repair brain aneurysms has a significant drawback -- about a third of patients experience a recurrence. Adding a simple stent may prevent that.
How to Keep Your Mind Sharp
Vitamin D has received a great deal of attention lately. It's been demonstrated to aid in a number of conditions. Scientists have found that it may also help ward off dementia.
Choose Better With Nutrition Labels
Many fast food joints have introduced nutrition labels so consumers can make better informed decisions. Do the labels help, or are consumers simply ignoring them?
Crossing Guard For ADHD Kids!
"Hold hands and look both ways before crossing the street", is a common phrase. For children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), moms need to insert, "Make sure there are no cars coming before crossing the street."
Living Beyond 110
You may not have as much control over how long you live as you think. Sure, you can eat right, exercise and not smoke to avoid today's chronic killers. But lifestyle isn't the key to living to 100 and beyond.