Health News

Southeastern United States Leads the Way With Sepsis Reports
There's the traditional "stroke belt" across the southeastern United States where death from stroke is much higher. But new research suggests there also is a "blood stream infection belt" that very closely mirrors the stroke belt.
FDA Drug Safety Communication: Diflucan
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing the public that chronic, high doses (400-800 mg/day) of the antifungal drug Diflucan ( fluconazole ) may be associated with a rare and distinct set of birth defects in infants whose mothers were treated with the drug during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Cell Phones to Control Diabetes
Cell phones are everywhere. Even doctors are using their so-called "smart phones" to help their patients. Now, diabetes patients may find their cell phones useful.
Fair Air Cleaners
The number one major factor for indoor pollution is indoor smoking. Children with asthma have their symptoms stirred up when there is a smoker in the home.
Happy Comfort Food
What do you do when you’re in the dumps? Some turn to buckets of ice cream for comfort. It just seems to take all troubles away. Maybe it really does!
Smurf Berries
Who doesn’t like blueberries? From the color to the texture to the taste, blueberries are not only awesome, they provide a ton of health benefits.
Cholesterol Drugs May Prevent Strokes
Strokes are tough to predict, much less prevent. Cholesterol lowering drugs known as statins may be effective in preventing a second stroke among younger people.
Cost of Asthma Medications Doubled
The numbers of children being treated for asthma are going up - and so is the cost of their medication. Annual asthma drug expenses have more than doubled over a 10-year period.
What's the Best Cocktail for Transplants?
Even if a patient gets a new kidney, it is not the end of the fight against kidney disease. That patient's body can still reject the new organ. Now, researchers know which drugs work best to stop this from happening.
Dozens Sickened by Tainted Turkey
Tainted ground turkey, contaminated with an antibiotic resistant and difficult to treat type of salmonella, has sickened at least 76 and killed one person, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported.