Health News

Approved Anemia Treatment Betters Potent Drug
In the United States, there is only one approved aplastic anemia drug today. Doctors pondered whether a potent medication approved in Europe may better treat anemia.
Post-Heart Attack Exercise Depends on Location
Regular exercise is known to up survival odds after a heart attack. Yet patients who reside in poorer areas tend to get less physical activity than those in wealthier communities.
Asthma's Moldy Evidence
Protecting an infant from diseases and illness is natural for most parents. Could shielding them from asthma be as easy as committing themselves to a cleaner, less moldy environment?
Colon Cleansing Clogged
Commitment to regular bowel movements can sometimes lead one to take extreme measures. Many herbal products offer quick fixes to get the system to speed up.
Catching Pre-Eclampsia Earlier
Those last weeks of pregnancy are the most exciting and uncomfortable time. This is when conditions such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia most likely occur.
3D Screenings Coming Soon to a Colon Near You
Think of it as 3-D high definition TV. That's what's happening in the cancer screening world, thanks to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers.
Calming the Overactive Mind and Body
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are fidgety - in mind and body. Researchers are discovering that these children respond well to an ancient brain calming system.
Don't Stop Your Aspirin Therapy!
Low-dose aspirin therapy is a standard of care for preventing second heart attacks. Stopping that therapy is not a good idea - in fact, stopping low-dose aspirin may cause a heart attack.
Junk Food Filled Teens
Keeping kids from eating junk food can be difficult at times. It’s even more difficult these days with all the fast food restaurants popping up everywhere.
Avoiding Sudden Cardiac Death
At one time sudden cardiac death was viewed as rather random, but now new risk factors are regularly identified. One group that is at a higher risk is postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease.