Health News

High Alert For Moldy Midwest
During allergy and asthma season, high mold counts indicate big problems for allergy and asthma sufferers. This summer, the midwest is nowhere to be for these patients.
Signature Genetic Material Leads to Stroke
Strokes can be tough to treat. Scientists have discovered a common genetic thread with plaques that can build up and lead to stroke. It could be a key piece of the puzzle in new treatments.
Scorpion Stings Hurt No More
Most scorpion stings don't require treatment. But the U.S. FDA has approved the first treatment specifically for scorpion stings that can be administered if stung by one of about 25 venomous varieties.
How to Avoid Brain Shrinkage
We all know that smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity are at the root of more serious problems - heart disease and cancer. Now we can add brain shrinkage to the list.
Deadly Sweets
How much sugar in your diet is too much? There has always been a disagreement because there hasn't been definitive evidence to link high-sugar diets with heart disease, until now.
Spotting the Silent Kidney Killer
The sooner kidney disease is spotted in a patient, the better chance that patient has of avoiding death. Now, there appears to be a way to detecting kidney disease even in those without signs of the disease.
Obesity and Diabetes: Another Link Found
As obesity becomes more common around the world, the number of people with type 2 diabetes also grows. This swelling problem has researchers asking how extra weight leads to diabetes.
Weight is a Weighty Topic
Current approaches for weight loss focus on controlling cravings, but resisting can be difficult when there’s a variety of available food. There may be a better way to lose weight.
Don't Forget to Take Your Vitamins & Minerals
The vitamin and mineral business in the United States is a multi-billion dollar industry. We take supplements for all kinds of reasons. A French researcher wanted to know if they help with memory.
Shunning the Sun Makes Cancer Sense
Staying out of the sun during particular hours and wearing a full-spectrum sun screen are common sense ways to protect yourself from the sun. For cancer patients, these precautions are even more important.