Health News

Eat Away Belly Fat
Fat can be tricky because some fat is good for you, but too much is detrimental. Fat found deep in the belly is one of those kinds of fats that’s not good for you.
Metformin Melts Fat and PCOS Away
Whacked out hormones cause polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition which is thought to affect seven percent of all women, cause period problems and appearance changes.
Candy Isn’t Necessarily a Bad Thing for Kids
Candy has often been a culprit in the obesity epidemic because the sugary-sweet goodness just doesn’t seem to provide any benefits other than a sugar high. This may not be the case.
New Heart Failure Gene Therapy Unveiled
About 5.8 million Americans suffer from heart failure with 670,000 new cases diagnosed each year. About 20 percent of those diagnosed die within a year. A new treatment might help better those odds.
Importance of Regular HIV Testing
People in the high risk group for contracting HIV, which includes gay men, substance abusers, bisexual men and those with multiple sex partners should test once a year and always use condoms, especially when multiple partners are involved.
Better Way to Diagnose Cancer Sooner
The main reason pancreatic cancer is one of the hardest to treat is because it's usually diagnosed so late. There are currently no early screening tools, but that may soon change.
Water Park Illness Preventable But Few Take Precaution
When arriving at a water park on a hot summer day such as July 4, a busy holiday weekend for such attractions, children are usually ready to immediately ride water slides. But parents might be forgetting to enforce an important rule.
Not Receiving Lifesaving Cancer Treatment
Radiation following mastectomies is not usually recommended, except for patients with advanced or high-risk breast cancers. Yet most of these patients aren't receiving this potentially lifesaving treatment.
Certain Heart Dysfunction Could Be Fatal
The human heart is a complicated mechanism requiring perfect synchronization of numerous functions to keep the body running in tip top shape. This includes the heart where even a small abnormality can cause significant problems.
Aging HIV Drugs?
Much has been said about the exciting results achieved with antiretroviral drugs in treating HIV. They are groundbreaking, extending lives and helping eradicate the spread of these diseases.