Health News

Hospital Eliminates Type of Bloodstream Infection
Bloodstream infections are an ongoing concern in all hospital intensive care units. One large academic medical facility has found a way to eliminate a type of bloodstream infection over the last six months.
Knowing How Cancer Starts Could Help Stop it Earlier
Scientists have long understood that cancer is caused by a series of changes - or mutations - in the DNA of cells. Now they're beginning to understand how the whole process gets started.
Yummies From Mommies Help Babies
Besides being among the most wonderful moments a new mother can experience, breastfeeding your infant is very important for your child's future health. Breastfeeding benefits babies' health in many ways.
ESC Calls for Clarification of Heart Terminology
To many of us complicated medical terminology sounds similar. But in fact many of these terms may lack enough precision or have too much generality, prompting the European Society of Cardiology to call for redefinition.
Toxic Flame Retardants Still in Offices
In a study of 31 Boston offices, polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants were found in every office tested. PBDEs are under an international ban as they are toxic. Why is it still there?
Cancer's Killer Jobs
You work long and hard, toiling away at a keyboard hour after hour. Well, like just about everything else in life these days, years of sitting could be hazardous to your health.
Obesity Complicates Hysterectomy
A recent study indicates  that obese women have an increased risk of complications during and after a hysterectomy.  Maintain optimal weight throughout your lifetime. Prof Osler, a consultant physician and professor of clinical databases in the Research Centre for Prevention and Health at Glostrup University Hospital in Glostrup, Denmark reports that they discovered that the increased risk of all bleeding complications and infection associated with obese women were only seen in women who underwent an abdominal hysterectomy . There was no increased risk associated with those who ha...
Epilepsy Drug Trial May Have Been Sales Tactic
Yale School of Medicine researchers have discovered that a clinical trial of epilepsy drug gabapentin (trade name Neurontin) may have actually been a promotional and sales move to increase prescriptions of the medicine.
Serving Your Country with Arthritis
How do you get to know a disease? Well, first you have to find out who is getting the disease. That is what researchers recently set out to do with regards to arthritis.
Surgical Heart Monitoring Goes High Tech
Medical technology is moving at the speed of light and this time it's heart patients who will reap the benefits. A new type of 3D monitoring used during cardiac procedures will enable surgeons to improve their precision.