Health News

Korean Patients Favor Hastening Death
Just days before physician-assisted suicide advocate Dr. Jack Kavorkian died, a new study reported that many South Koreans favor speeding the death of terminally ill cancer patients.
PTSD Victims may Benefit From Exercise
Exercising is good for just about everything, so it's no surprise that it's been found to help patients with post traumatic stress disorder. Exercise is prescribed for disease, injuries, and overall health.
Treating Deadly Skin Cancer
Exciting advances have been reported showing that two new drugs can increase the survival of patients with metastatic (spread to other parts of the body) melanoma, the most dangerous and deadliest form of skin cancer.
Kashi Recalls Select Frozen Pizzas
Kashi is recalling approximately 11,000 cases of frozen pizzas, including Mediterranean Thin Crust Pizza, Roasted Vegetable Thin Crust Pizza, and Mushroom Trio and Spinach Thin Crust Pizza due to possible plastic fragments in an ingredient in the pizza crusts.
Wrinkles Are Menopausal Fortune Telling
A new Yale University study finds that women who have seriously deep and plentiful wrinkles during the first few years of menopause probably have lower bone density as well.
Double Strikes Against Melanoma
Right now, there are not a lot of effective treatments of melanoma, an advanced and usually deadly form of skin cancer. However, an ongoing study shows exciting progress.
Drug Helps Prevent Breast Cancer
A drug currently being used to treat breast cancer has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease. The aromatase inhibitor, Aromasin (exemestane), helps post-menopausal women avoid breast cancer altogether.
A Diabetes Cure around the Corner?
Finding a cure for a disease like diabetes is like the Holy Grail to researchers. But cures are not found overnight, they are discovered after decades of study.
Asian Cancer Survivers Live Longer than Caucasians
A new report says Asian patients live longer than Caucasian patients both before and after the treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is usually caused by smoking. A recent review of 35 years of studies indicates that during single, double or triple drug chemotherapy, Asians have a longer overall survival.
Food Allergies Can Lead to Asthma
The beginning of the allergy march in babies and young children may originate from food allergies. Food allergies often begin in babies as early as three months old.