Health News

FDA Rules Mammography Still Best Screening Tool
There has been a tremendous amount of confusion about breast cancer screening in recent years. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ruled on one controversy - thermography vs. mammography.
America not Immune to E. Coli Outbreak
The E. coli outbreak in Europe continues to expand with the US Centers for Disease Control reporting 470 sickened with a type of kidney failure associated with E coli and nine confirmed deaths.
Simple Food Plate Replaces Complex Pyramid
The old food guide pyramid was difficult to understand and extremely complicated. But, now there's something that's not only simpler to understand and healthier!
Diabetes and Pregnancy: What Lies Ahead?
A pregnant woman not only has to watch out for her health, but also for the health of her baby. Diseases like diabetes can hurt both the mother and child. That's why it's especially important to spot who is at risk as early as possible.
Common Meds Don't Increase Cancer Risks
Terror, panic and worries raises blood pressure. And that's just what the millions of people in this country living with high blood pressure felt last year. Today, they can take a long sigh. 
Dr. Death Dies
Dr. Jack Kevorkian - known to many as "Dr. Death" for helping over 100 people commit suicide - died early Friday morning in a Michigan hospital. A fitting end to assisted suicide's best known advocate.
The Pause Predictor
For Generation X'ers and beyond, many career minded women are delaying starting their families to pursue personal work goals. This usually works out quite nicely, but some women may get so engrossed in work and wait too late to start a family.
Childhood Surgeries Now, Worry Later
Promises of eating ice cream for days usually does little to allay children's fears about getting their tonsils removed. The removal of an appendix is an even scarier proposition. But there may be some reason for that childhood apprehension.
The Madness of the Sadness
One of the sad things about depression is its tendency to return to cause more suffering. Scientists have new clues as to why that happens. How the brain responds to sadness may predict if depression will return to someone who has been wrestling with the disease.
Broil your way to health
As women age, it becomes critical to consume nutritious foods. But when it comes to some foods, such as fish, the type of fish and cooking method play a major role in how heart-healthy those meals are.