Health News

Bariatric Surgery Risk Calculator
Obesity is a national health problem that causes significant illness and disability. A new method for determining the risk for complications from bariatric surgery may steer more physicians and patients towards considering it as an option. 
Mysterious Bipolar Disorder Gene
Researchers now have found a genetic variation in the gene neurocan (NCAN)  which, when present, makes people susceptible to mental health issues, such as bipolar disorder.
Is your boyfriend affected by your depression?
Depression affects many aspects of someone's life, including thoughts, behavior  and physical well-being. Add relationships to the list as well. 
Caffeine and Overactive Bladder
While many experts recommend cutting back on caffeine if you have bladder control problems, a new study shows that drinking coffee and tea has little effect urinary problems.
Breast Milk May Identify Breast Cancer Risks
On the horizon is a non-invasive study that could predict a woman's risk of developing breast cancer by examining cells naturally found in her breast milk.
Taking the Fun Out of Drinking
Naltrexone’s success in treating alcoholisim lies in its ability to block the feelings of euphoria alcohol provides to a significant number of alcoholics.
E = mc²
Are geniuses "gene" geniuses or are they environmental geniuses? Those were really the only two explanations offered up to explain the Einstein types. Now, hormones have been thrown into the ring as a possible influencing factor.
Regain Control of Your Bathroom Breaks
It is not uncommon for a man to have incontinence (loss of bladder control) after undergoing prostate removal surgery. In fact, as much as 65 percent of men have bladder control problems.
Not All Fats Are Created Equal
Some fats are good for you. A new study shows that certain types of fish-fat can protect people against obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.
The Good Guys Vs. The Bad Cancer Guys
It is known that the good guy, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), disposes of excess cholesterol in the liver. New research shows no one knew just how good that guy is.