Health News

Stopping Diabetes Before It Starts
A newer drug used to treat people who already have type 2 diabetes might also help prevent diabetes in people who are at high risk of developing the disease.
Poor, Depressed, and in Pain
Having a crippling disease can be saddening for anybody. A new study shows that rheumatoid arthritis patients who are poor have a greater risk of depression.
Holding on to Memory
The human brain loses a fair amount of weight over the course of a person's adult life. But the brain's ability to reorganize itself (called plasticity) makes up for lost cells and may help Alzheimer's patients.
Diabetics Benefit from Blood Pressure Drug
Type 2 diabetics are exposed to many health risks, including developing kidney problems. New research shows that a common blood pressure drug may help these patients protect their kidneys.
Allergies play a Significant Role in Asthma Attacks
Is your home, office or school environment aggravating your asthma? Does adding an allergy drug enable better breathing?
Race and the Pre-Baby Blues
Many studies have shown that women become depressed before giving birth. However, new research suggests that minority women face an especially high risk of experiencing prenatal depression.
Killing Pests Can Hurt You Too
Over the years, pesticides have been linked to a variety of serious health problems. Now, researchers have found that being exposed to pesticides may lead to lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Eczema's Effect on Food Allergy
While many children will outgrow their milk allergy, researchers have found that having eczema can reduce a child's chance of outgrowing their food allergies later in life.
Old MacDonald Has A Farm, Not Asthma
MOO-ve on over asthma! Children raised on farms are exposed to far more bacteria and fungi than those raised in urban settings. New research suggests this very exposure toughens up farm children's immune systems and leads to less occurrences of asthma.
That is Music to my Ears!
Students with ADHD have a greater ability to learn and perform in school while white noise is playing in the background. With some students, the white noise is complementary with ADHD medicine. However, white noise can be used as a replacement for the ADHD medicine with other students.