Health News

A Shot for Schizophrenia
After a new FDA approval, patients who face schizophrenia every day may not have to take their medication every day to stay healthy.
Troubling Narcotic Use Found Among Older COPD Patients
Opioids are commonly prescribed to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). But, for seniors with this condition, that may be a problem.
Melanoma Rx May Treat Lung Cancer, Too
Turns out a melanoma medication could also help patients with a different type of cancer.
ADHD Rx Appeared Safe for Kids with Congenital Heart Disease
Kids with congenital heart disease often are at risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But whether ADHD medications can be safely given to this population has been a big concern for parents and doctors alike.
Experimental Treatment for Psoriasis Shows Promise
A promising new drug to help psoriasis patients control their itchy, frustrating outbreaks may soon be on the way.
How HRT Might Help Ovarian Cancer Patients
For ovarian cancer patients going through menopause, whether or not to take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be a big question. Now, these patients may have an answer.
Promising Preeclampsia Pill Under Further Study
Preeclampsia is a common cause of babies being born prematurely. But a potential new treatment may help.
FDA OKs Combo Skin Cancer Rx
A new FDA approval suggests that, sometimes, two medications may be better than one.
New Kidney Cancer Rx May Improve Survival
A new medication could be a game-changer for treating advanced kidney cancer.
Why You Should Take a Walk at Work
Here's another reason to take a quick break at work: Getting up from your desk and strolling around the office could help your vascular health.