Health News

Some Fertility Medicines More Effective Than Others
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome can have a difficult time trying to become pregnant and often take medication to help with fertility. But some medicines may be more effective than others. 
Birth Control Method Might Increase Diabetes Risk
Many factors can affect a woman's decision about birth control methods, and an increased risk for diabetes may be one of them.
FDA Approves New Rx for Rare Genetic Disorder
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new medication to treat a rare but serious genetic disorder.
Some Asthma Medications May Slow Growth in Kids
Inhaled corticosteroids are an effective medication to bring down the airway swelling caused by asthma in children. Two new studies suggest that while these medicines may help children breathe, they also may have a negative effect.
Mild Brain Damage May Be Long-Term
Most traumatic brain injuries are mild or moderate, but that doesn't mean they can't cause long-term damage.
Post-Concussion Syndrome May Be PTSD in Disguise
Even mild brain injury is serious business. A person can experience a range of symptoms many months after having received a concussion, but those symptoms might not be what they seem.
Heart Disease May Be More Dangerous for Underweight Patients
Being overweight or obese is usually considered a risk factor for heart disease. But overweight or obese heart disease patients may not be the ones most at risk of dying from a heart condition.
Potassium Could Help Heart Failure Patients
If a simple supplement could reduce the risk for death, many patients might be eager to try it.  A recent study asked if potassium supplements helped heart failure patients live longer.
Family History of Cerebral Palsy May Increase Risk in Children
Cerebral palsy is the most common cause of physical disability among children. Past studies have uncovered various risk factors for the condition, and new research suggests family may play a role in a child's risk for cerebral palsy.
Routine Screening May Be Better Option for Spotting HIV Early
HIV can be hard to diagnose early because symptoms can be basic and flu-like. New research identified signs of HIV infection that may help doctors decide which patients need to be tested.