Health News

Older Patients Fared Worse After Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Though cancer presents a difficult road ahead for most people, new research suggests that older patients with colorectal cancer may face more challenges than younger patients.
Dad's Age Could Affect Daughter's Cancer Risk
Parents may consider their age when having kids in terms of their own health and vitality as the children grow. But could parental age actually affect the future health of the children, too?
Eating Disorders Are Not Just a Women's Issue
Eating disorders are common among teenagers and young adults. However, these conditions are usually assumed to affect only women, making the issue even more critical for men.
Mental Boost from Spending Time With Grandchildren
Many grandparents will tell you that caring for their grandchild gives them great joy. What they may not realize is how their minds are benefiting from the interaction.
Breast Cancer Treatment Can Affect Ovaries
Studies have shown that women with breast cancer who are under age 50 get the most benefit from chemotherapy. But these are the same women who wonder if the treatment will leave them unable to have children.
Running in Twenties Kept Brain Sharp Later
While running and other types of cardio exercises are certainly good for the heart, these activities may help the mind as well and even provide a brainpower payoff later in life.
No Sleep Could Put Patients at Risk for Stroke
Insomnia can negatively affect your health in many ways because of the stress that lack of sleep puts on your body. It's possible that this stress could even affect your heart health in a big way.
Exercising Away Cognitive Impairment
Aerobic exercise can promote healthy weight loss and bone health. New research shows that it could also help maintain brain volume and fight cognitive decline.
Anti-Inflammatories Linked to Irregular Heartbeat
Among the most common medications taken for pain and inflammation are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. But could they have unintended consequences for the heart?
Smoking, Drinking and Body Posture
For some people, smoking and drinking go hand-in-hand. Those habits, however, may affect individuals’ ability to stand up or keep from falling down.