Health News
Developing Lung Cancer Screening Strategies
After one of the largest clinical trials ever conducted, the medical community has demonstrated that screening for lung cancer saves lives. The next step is to put these and other research findings into perspective to develop screening strategies that work around the globe.
For Lung Cancer, "Tissue is the Issue"
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. For many scientists, the future of lung cancer treatments lies within the tissue of the patients.
Nature Can Fight Cancer Too
If you strolled by it in a field, you'd probably think the purple flower was a weed. Milk thistle has in fact been used for thousands of years in herbal remedies. If recent animal studies pan out, its treatment uses may be expanded to cancer.
Early Lung Cancer Diagnosis Linked to COPD
Two of the world's biggest killers are linked and new ways are needed to combat them. New research shows early detection of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can lead to better diagnosis of lung cancer.
Blood Clots a Common Risk for Some Cancer Patients
As if cancer treatment isn't rigorous enough, patients are often at risk of additional medical problems for months afterwards. New research has uncovered that some cancer patients face an increased risk of developing blood clots.
SNaPshot Makes Genetic Testing a Snap
In the not too distant future, sophisticated genetic screening may be done on a routine basis in a hospital lab. And this means cancer patients increasingly will be treated with therapies that target their specific genetic needs.
Computing COPD Diagnosis in a New Way
Men (and women) who are or have been heavy smokers usually have a heavy chance of developing some sort of often deadly lung disease. Research suggests that a cancer detection screening method may be the best way to ID another killer.
Annual X-Rays Aren't Enough to Stop Lung Cancer
An X-Ray is a great way to see our bones and other problems in the body. It is not, unfortunately, an effective way to screen for lung cancer.
Detroit is America's Lung Cancer Capital
Detroit is known as the 'Motor City,' 'Motown' or 'Hockeytown.' It may soon get another unfortunate distinction when it comes to lung cancer.
Diabetics Are Survivors
Usually a pre-existing condition does not improve chances for survival. For lung cancer and diabetes, that may not be the case.