Health News

President of Argentina has Thyroid Cancer
Newly re-elected Argentinean President, Cristina Fernandez , has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She will undergo surgery to remove the gland on January 4, 2012.
Avastin Useful in Treating Ovarian Cancer
The main goal in treating ovarian cancer is preventing or delaying it from getting worse. A drug that's been controversial in treating advanced breast cancer shows promise in treating ovarian cancer.
Pregnancy Changes a Woman's Brain
At no other time in a woman's life does she experience the massive hormonal fluctuations as she does during pregnancy. New discoveries show that these changes may be creating a "mommy brain."
Gene Mutation Linked to Heart Arrhythmia
Heart rhythm disorders may have a genetic link. Researchers have identified a gene mutation that appears to interfere with the cardiac conduction system, contributing to lethal heart arrhythmias.
Thyroid Cancer's Three Gene Soup
Thyroid cancer is on the rise in the United States among both men and women, but no one knows why exactly. What is becoming clearer, though, is what increases a person's risk for the disease.
Fish Oil Possible Solution for Leukemia
You've heard about the health benefits of fish oil. What this oil contains - Omega 3 fatty acids - are good for your  heart, joints, eyes and brain. Researchers think a compound found in the natural substance may be able to fight off a type of cancer.
Compassionate Baby Talk
Though attention deficits and hyperactivity are on the rise in the nation’s youth, research suggests many young children listen rather well.
Genetic Test Not Necessary Before Taking Plavix
After an artery-opening procedure following a heart attack, some patients take Plavix ( clopidogrel ) to treat or prevent a blood clot. Though the drug isn't as effective in some individuals, genetic testing is not needed, a recent study suggests.
Why Men Get More Skin Cancers
It's the dead of winter and you need to be wearing sunscreen, regardless. Recently published research is shedding sunlight on why more men get skin cancer than women.
Speeding Up Heart Attack Diagnosis
Heart attack treatment can be tricky because diagnosing it may require numerous tests for an actual confirmation. A more sensitive diagnostic biomarker test could immediately rule out a heart attack.