Health News

Digital Age Brings Generation of Back Pain
It's a common scenario: It's the end of the work day and you're struggling with an achy back and sore neck, even though your physical activity for the day hasn't involved much more than sitting at your desk, eyes glued to a computer screen.
After Life is Almost Lost
In television series such as Law and Order and CSI, producers tug at the heartstrings of viewers with scenes encapsulating the grief of victims and their loved ones, yet how many understand the real implications of such devastating trauma?
Acid Reflux Rises, Along With Obesity
In the past decade, there's been a spike in the number of people experiencing heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux. And researchers say that a weight problem is to blame.
Trazodone a Slippery Slope for Alcoholics?
Recovering alcoholics especially need the sense of normalcy and continuity that comes from empowering practices and routines. This sense of stability can be damaged by the wear and tear of sleep difficulties.
Wake Up, Doc
One way to reduce the risk of surgery complications or doctors' mistakes: make sure the doctor isn't overworked and under-rested.
FDA Warns About Infant Acetaminophen Dosing
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials are warning parents to carefully read dosing instructions for giving liquid acetaminophen for infants to avoid giving the wrong dose.
Beyond Normal PMS
Women experience varying levels of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), and some even none at all. But severe cases of the syndrome, called premenstrual dysphoric disorder ( PMDD ) can be almost debilitating.
Start Up 2012 With Online Help
Planning to get fit in the new year? The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released Supertracker, a Web site that allows users to track their eating habits and physical activity as they make changes to improve their health.
Reducing Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission
Breastfeeding your baby is designed by nature to nurture and protect your child. But for mothers with HIV, breastfeeding nearly doubles their risk of passing on the virus to their baby.
New Smoking Gun Explains Cancer in Never-Smokers
We think of lung cancer being the result of tobacco smoking. And while that's certainly a risk factor, nearly a quarter of lung cancer patients have never taken a puff. A never before known genetic event may solve this mystery.