Health News

Lose the Lbs, Your Heart Will Thank You
After having initial success in quickly losing weight, it's common for body weight to level off. During this period a person may maintain the same weight or begin regaining weight.
Granny's Knee Hurts
Do you experience knee pain every day, or just every so often? If you are a woman over the age of 50 and your answer is yes, consider yourself a member of a very large club.
Beefed up Rules Against Foodborne Illness
Heading into 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is unveiling new strategies aimed at protecting consumers from foodborne illness by adding new rules to safeguard beef.
No Virtue in Virtual Visits
Computers are taking over just about every area of our lives. They're even being used for medical visits. So what are the predominant attitudes about visiting with physicians virtually?
The Right Dose of Speech Therapy
Alzheimer's patients want to feel assured that their medication regimen is protecting them not only from memory loss but from the loss of other functions such as speech. Research finds that medication dosing may be key to preserving language abilities.
Skipping Holiday Weight Gain
The holidays can be one of the toughest times of the year for maintaining your weight. With gifts of chocolate from friends, pot lucks at work and indulgent home-cooked meals, skipping holiday weight gain is no easy task.
Can You Hear What I Hear?
Still doing last minute holiday shopping? A pair of volume-limiting headphones or ear-buds for your teen – and a conversation about hearing loss – can help protect their hearing.
Befriend Your Child
Forming a close relationship with your teenager might have its ups and downs, but research suggests open communication promotes individual decision-making, even if the talk is not all that agreeable.  
Helping Kids Awaiting Heart Transplant
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have given the green light to a device designed to support weakened hearts in children with heart failure who are awaiting a transplant.
Mindfully Managing Pain
Chronic pain is commonly coupled with stress and fatigue. A mindful approach to treatment proves helpful in reducing the added stresses of daily life for those experiencing chronic pain.