Health News

New Strains of HUS Have New Vaccine
Frightening times await parents of infants who are in the intensive care unit (ICU). Is there something that could have been done to prevent the lockdown in the ICU?
Saving Money, Saving Cancer Lives
Some people have a mutation in genes that help the DNA repair itself. This is called Lynch Syndrome, a condition that dramatically increases a person's risk of colon and other types of cancer.
FDA Alerts: Avastin
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting health care professionals that repackaged intravitreal injections of Avastin ( bevacizumab ) have caused a cluster of serious eye infections in the Miami, Florida area.
Body Fat in Obese May Be Toxic
Some obese patients develop conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, while others manage to avoid such chronic diseases. That may be because all obesity is not the same.
Autistic Teens Rely on School for Help
High school kids who are struggling with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have plenty of challenges to face, including controlling their own behavior, development and learning difficulties, and impaired social skills.
FDA Approves Xalkori and Vysis ALK Break Apart FISH Probe Kit
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Xalkori ( crizotinib ) to treat certain patients with late-stage (locally advanced or metastatic), non-small cell lung cancers ( NSCLC ) who express the abnormal anaplastic lymphoma kinase ( ALK ) gene.
H1N1 Priority Pre-Pregnancy
Entering infertility treatment is a time of both hope and fear for most women. Hope there can be a child and fear that it may not be possible.
Predicting the End of Life
When cancer can no longer be effectively treated, palliative or comfort care begins. Knowing how long one has to live can help patients, their caregivers and families plan better. A new predictor model is being developed to do just that.
Poor Children Ditching Depression Drugs
Depression affects about one out of five children, and when it goes untreated there can be tragic consequences. Deepening and recurring depression, substance abuse, and even suicidal behavior can increase.
Stroke and Dementia Linked to Calcium
When calcium builds up in blood vessels it increases the risk of heart disease, including the risk of heart attack. It may also be linked to brain changes that increase the risk of stroke and dementia.