Health News

Prostate Cancer Screening Upgrade
The cancer men fear most has no clear-cut means of being easily detected. The most common test commonly generates false results. A new test being developed may be more accurate and more reliable.
ICU Monitoring Saves More Babies
When a new baby has to be admitted the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), it is a frightening time for parents. Healthcare providers are committed to advances to support these babies during their tender start in life.
Measles Virus may be a Cancer Weapon
Before vaccines became available, measles was a common childhood illness that was actually a respiratory condition. Now, scientists are finding that this virus may be a powerful weapon against cancer.
Sweet Tooth Encourages Healthy Heart
It's the news that people with a sweet tooth have been waiting to hear! Eating large amounts of chocolate may cut the risk of developing heart disease by a third.
Menopausal Melancholy
The end of a woman's reproductive years brings on menopause. Beginning in the mid to late 40s, women's ovaries begin to shut down the release of eggs.
Concerning Delivery Complications
Choosing a hospital and doctor to deliver your baby based on proximity to your house is a good idea because labor can sometimes go quite quickly. Is this the best way to reduce the likelihood of complications though?
Inhumane Flu B
Have you ever wondered why everyone in your home can get the flu and Fido remains uninfected? Now researchers can explain the dog's protection.
Zinc Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells
An essential element - one the body doesn't make on its own - may be useful in battling pancreatic cancer. Zinc levels could be something scientists can manipulate to treat this cancer.
Health Disparities for Disabled Examined
Those who experience the poorest health are also disadvantaged in other ways as well. A recent report is putting a microscope to the general health of the disabled.
Tribal Running Takes on New Strides
Occasionally, an athlete chooses to take on the track with nude feet. Barefoot running clubs are springing up all over the country. Whether this is advantageous or not is a point to debate for podiatrists.