Health News

Heart Failure's Fuel Gauge
When the left ventricle of a patient's heart struggles, it may stay filled with blood instead of pumping it out to the rest of the body. This may increase the risk of developing heart failure.
Baby Fever Felt By Men Too
It is widely assumed than women have more of an urge to start a family than men. Something of a missplaced "nurturance need" is often cited as the reason. But, men desire children too.
Vaccinating Vacancies
Each year, the United States has six million become infected with human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is known to cause cervical cancer in women and associated with head and neck cancers in men.
Preventing Strokes in Arrhythmia Patients
Atrial fibrillation, a common heart arrhythmia, is generally treated with a standard drug warfarin. However, a study suggests a new drug might provide the same treatment, but with a lower risk of stroke and embolism.
Get With the Diabetes Guidelines
Diabetes can be a hard disease to manage and keep under control, but regular testing can help patients in this difficult task. In fact, testing can save patients' eyesight or even their life.
Autism Among Siblings Much Higher than Thought
Autism runs in families. This understanding has been known in the medical field for some time.  But the chances of an autism diagnosis among siblings are much higher than doctors previously estimated.
Mental Outlook Impacts Youth Employment
Can you think yourself into a job? For young adults the answer may be, more so than you think.
Eating Away Cholesterol Levels
Eating right and exercising are essential elements in maintaining heart health, but achieving that is sometimes difficult. Do low fat diets or foods with cholesterol lowering properties work best?
Having More Doesn't Mean Greater Happiness
"Money doesn't buy happiness" is a common adage, and it may be more true than you think. People who live in wealthier countries seem to be more depression-prone than those in poorer countries.
Text Your Heart to the Doctor
The technology already exists to send electrocardiogram (ECG) images via smart phone from a rural community to a hospital, potentially thousands of miles away. But errors still happen.