Health News

Alcohol and Anti-depressants Don't Mix
Most doctors prescribing anti-depressants recommend that their patients do not consume alcohol. When patients ignore this advice and decide to drink while taking their medication they may feel increasingly depressed and becoming excessively intoxicated.
Screen Time Hurts Kids' Hearts
When kids spend hours a day on the computer, watching TV, or playing video games they spend less time getting outside and moving around. The amount of time children sit in front of a screen may lead to heart problems later in life.
Sleep Deprivation Causes Risky Financial Choices
Casinos know sleepy people can make poor decisions. Using functional MRI scans, we now know which regions of the brain work best without sleep. And which brain regions assess positive outcomes.
ACE Inhibitors May Fuel Breast Cancer Recurrence
If you're a breast cancer survivor and are taking ACE inhibitors for your heart, you may want to talk to your doctor. New findings suggest that ACE inhibitors increase the risk of breast cancer returning.
Gut Goes Crazy from Exercise
Endurance athletes are know to push their bodies to the limit. This may be the reason that the most common health issues of endurance athletes are overuse injuries. However, heartburn problems are becoming common among these athletes.
Getting Closer to Better MS Drugs
People who are taking drugs for multiple sclerosis (MS) can be faced with many serious side effects. Scientists have produced a new MS drug that may have fewer side effects while also helping patients deal with their disease.
Family Mealtime Matters
The 4:00 p.m. phone call from your child:  "Mom, what's for dinner?" Upon answering, the child either grimaces or delights, but they almost always show up. Researchers have identified a link between the health of children with asthma and the quality of family interactions at mealtime.
A Sneeze From Less Vitamin D
Vitamin D is used by the body for a host of processes, including maintaining bone strength, cardiovascular health, and keeing cancer in check. New research shows that it may play a role in allergy development as well.
How Lupus Narrows Your Arteries
People with lupus have a higher risk of narrowed arteries - the blood vessels that deliver blood to the organs. While past studies have not shown what causes this higher risk, new research sheds some light on the link between lupus and narrowed arteries.
New Alzheimer's Disease Criteria
For the first time in almost 30 years, the diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease has changed. The original criteria for Alzheimer's disease only included the later stage of the disease, dementia, when symptoms are already present.