Health News
Healthy Life May Help Heart Health More Than Pills
Before reaching for the medicine cabinet, consider cleaning up your diet — it may save your life.
A Little Exercise May Be Better Than Nothing
January is the time for resolutions, and getting into shape is a good one for most people. You don't necessarily have to run a marathon, though — even a little exercise a day could help keep the doctor away.
4 Steps to Help Prevent Birth Defects
Pregnant women can decrease the chances of birth defects by following four healthy strategies.
When Diet and Exercise Aren't Enough
They may be key to weight loss and good health, but diet and exercise may sometimes need a little help from obesity medications and surgery.
Walking Groups: Easy Steps to Better Health
Exercise doesn't have to be complicated. Even simple walks with friends may improve your health.
Stand up for Your Health
Office workers and couch potatoes alike may need to stand up for their health — literally.
How Your Childhood Could Affect Your Heart Health
You may have more to thank your parents for than just your height and eye color. The way they raised you might affect your heart health as an adult.
Can You Be Obese and Healthy?
Making healthy lifestyle changes to lose weight is likely a smart choice for the long-term health of all obese people — even if they don't yet have medical issues related to their weight.
6 Ways to Save Your Heart Health
Pumping iron to stay strong may keep your heart pumping, too. Healthy lifestyle practices may prevent the majority of heart attacks in younger women.
How to Keep Your New Year's Resolution to Exercise
The start of the year is the perfect time to renew your gym membership and commit to making exercise a habit.